Monthly Book Pick: Life of Pi by Yaan Martel

“Life will defend itself no matter how small it is” (211).

We’re all feeling somewhat the same right now: adrift, a little lost, confused, and scared. Sometimes it’s cathartic to read books that echo those feelings back to you. It makes you feel a little less alone, and hopefully, a little less frightened. For this reason, I have chosen Life of Pi by Yann Martel as this month’s book selection. 

The book opens with an introduction to Pi, whose real name is Piscine, and his family that owns a zoo in India. To combat their curiosity for the animals and keep his children safe, his father forces Pi and his older brother Ravi to watch a tiger rip apart a live goat in front of their eyes. His father tells them that wild animals are never to be underestimated, never to be treated like people. Abruptly, his family decides to sell their zoo and the animals and immigrate to Canada. The animals and the family board a cargo ship called the Tsimtsum. When a terrible storm capsizes the ship, Pi learns about the humanity of animals, about himself, and about hope in a way he never expected. 

This book is the definition of a page-turner and will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew about the story when finished. I hope you enjoy it and that you find some solace in reading it just as I did. 


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