My “Impossible” List

My Impossible List

Photo taken by author.


A couple of days ago I stumbled across an article on a site called InfoGeek titled "My Impossible List" by James Frank (It's important to note that Frank did not come up with this premise himself, but a man named James Runyon). An Impossible List is a list similar to a bucket list, but differs in that a bucket list does not inspire you to take action immediately, but is a list of things you'd like to do someday, whereas an Impossible List demands a plan and is ever-evolving. Once a goal is completed, a related but more challenging goal can replace it. As Frank describes in his explanation video, "This makes the Impossible List concept fundamentally different from a bucket list because a bucket list is static and gets smaller as you go on and cross things off.." The Impossible List focuses on progress and evolution. When I learned about the Impossible List, I knew I had to make my own. Here is my own ever-evolving Impossible List:

1. Run a 5K in less than 25 minutes

2. Complete a Duathlon on my own (2.2 mile run, 12 mile bike ride, 2.2 mile run) ✅ March 7th, 2020

- Compete in an organized Duathlon

- Compete in a triathlon

Registered for the June 26th, 2020 New York Triathlon in Central Park (cancelled due to COVID-19, transferred to June 2021 NY Tri).

3. Write an article for a reputable publication such as the Washington Post, The New York Times, The New Yorker, etc.

4. Write a book

Currently working on a compilation of short stories!

5. Run a mile in less than 6 minutes

6. Run a marathon

7. Launch a product that earns $15,000 in revenue in one month

8. Become fluent in Spanish

9. Create 50 podcast episodes by June 2021

12. Make macarons from scratch (harder than it seems!)

13. Write 500 words 100 days in a row

14. Learn to double skip with a jump rope


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