Monthly Book Pick: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

" a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what's happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate. That's the world's greatest lie" (20).

I finally picked up this book after it had been recommended to me numerous times over the years. I was quite skeptical that it would manage to live up to the pedestal I had placed it on, built up by numerous literature teachers, friends, and family members. I was immediately drawn to the cover, which looks like a wizard's spell book, it's raw-edged pages, and the sketch-like drawings littered throughout the story, making it seem as though the author had taken a break from class and gotten lost in his imagination in the margins of his notebook. I devoured the book in one sitting, and needless to say, it ended up on my monthly pick short-list immediately as it obliterated any of my previous doubts.

Set in the treacherous yet enchanting dunes of the desert, Coelho allows readers to tag along with Santiago, a shepherd committed to unearthing a priceless treasure buried beneath the sand. As Santiago ventures on his own path of self-discovery, Coelho urges readers to pursue their own Personal Legends and take their life into their own hands.

During these unpredictable and worrying times with the Coronavirus, The Alchemist is the perfect pass-time and provides that inspiration you've been seeking to learn something new while stuck at home. Stay healthy and enjoy!


My “Impossible” List